8 Advantages Of Apache Cordova

8 Advantages Of Apache Cordova

As the demand for cross platform apps gets hotter than ever, there arises the need for a framework that can assist the developer in creating the perfect app. True, there are several ways to build apps suitable for smartphones, but the main problem faced the developer was that he didn’t have many frameworks that would allow the user to use this app in all platforms. It saves time and money for the developer company if they are able to develop a common app, an app their users can open and run without a hitch in any device that they own. Apache Cordova, also known as PhoneGap, is a framework that lets developers build a mobile application that can be installed in any device as it has cross platform capability. Apache Cordova was initially known by the name Nitobi and later, it was donated to Apache Software Foundation and became PhoneGap. Adobe bought PhoneGap, complete with the rights to the name (PhoneGap). Later it came to known as Apache Cordova.

If you are planning to use Apache Cordova as your framework, then here are the main advantages

  1. Target any platform that you need

In the past, if the developer wanted to make an app he had to target the four main platforms – Android, iOS, Windows and Blackberry then he had had to create the app in platform specific app. For example:

  • Android in Java
  • iOS in Objective C
  • Windows in C, C++, C#
  • BlackBerry in JavaME

But now when you are using Apache Cordova, you don’t have to worry about the platform the app will be working in. With it, the developer uses PhoneGap as the core code and HTML and CSS as the front end layout.  PhoneGap is used for Ubuntu Touch, Symbian, WebOS, BlackBerry, Ubuntu Touch and Tizen as well.

  1. Apache Cordvoa has proved to be exceptionally good for business owners

Business owners prefer to use Apache Cordova because they can leverage the benefit of any platform that they are planning to install this in. If the iPhone market share is dwindling, then they no longer have to worry about it. They can still make an app that would work like a native app in iPhone and the same thing in Andorid and Windows as well.

  1. Money saver, of course

As you don’t have to make different apps, it goes without saying that you can save infrastructural costs, time and earn more ROI. You may however, have to hire a developer who is proficient with all the three platforms, because that would help you to release the app in all the platforms with slight adjustments. Nothing complicated, but the problem is that each platform has its own coding language and that will have to be adjusted, but the design and user interfaces can remain the same. PhoneGap allows you to release your app across multiple platforms with very little effort.

  1. Programmers love Apache Cordova

Programmers who are proficient in Javascript, CSS, HTML5 can develop native apps in the framework they are used to. The programmer has to develop the app in such a manner that certain parts of the app, for example, communication with server, application logic, UI will be common in the app, but the other aspects (communication with the device and the controls) will be in the native language of the platform for which it is released. Programmers call PhoneGap as the Swiss Army Knife of Mobile Application Development.

  1. Has a great community of supporters

As Apache Cordova has won the hearts of developers and programmers, it has a huge and vibrant community, complete with tutorial and examples on how to use the framework to its fullest capacity.

With existing knowledge of Javascript, CSS and HTML they can easily make an app that users can download on their smartphones and tablets.

  1. Provides a layer of interface for the programmer

As mobile users are increasing tremendously, companies are hotly pursuing different ways through which they can create and market apps. Since they don’t have the time to create apps for different platforms, they are benefiting a lot from Apache Cordova. The framework provides a layer of interface by which he can adapt the apps to different platforms by converting to the native code.

  1. Cordova follows a plugin architecture

The case with hybrid apps is that you need to make use of plugins in order to make it function on native devices. With Cordova, you can enable and disable the plugin functionality as and when you like. These plugins can be added, imported and verified, and used to make hybrid apps. You have integrated Apache Cordova plugins that can be modified, configured and updated.

  1. You can work with additional frameworks

When you are using Apache Cordova, you can work it with additional frameworks to enhance the user-interface functionality of the app. Here are some frameworks that you can work with Apache Cordova:

  • jQuery mobile framework – a touch optimized framework used for tablets and smartphones.
  • Kendo UI Core – a framework that allows developers to build apps that look native
  • Bower – is a third-party package manager


You can use Apache Cordova while you are installing Visual Studio, or right after installing it. Additionally, Apache Cordova comes with a lot of library options making it easier for the developer. If you are using vector graphics, you can easily configure it to design specs with Apache Cordova.

Interesting links about the topic:
Advantages of Apache Cordova
What are the pros and cons of using Apache Cordova ?

Pictures: Flickr.com/ Jacob Edward

The author: Reema Oamkumar is engaged as a thought leader at www.Software-Developer-India.com which is a part of the YUHIRO Group. YUHIRO is a German-Indian enterprise which provides programmers to IT companies, agencies and IT departments.

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