Android Developers from India: Advantages and Disadvantages

Android Developers from India: Advantages and Disadvantages

Android application development has many advantages apart from the speed, scalability and performance factors that it provides. Android, being free and an open platform provide the complete software stack for software development, including all the key mobile applications, middleware and operating system. Android development is highly popular, securing more than 80% of the global market share. One of the main reasons why businesses choose to go for Android apps is that it is fairly cheaper, has a bigger reach among users and needs significantly lower investment.

If you are looking to build an Android app right from scratch, then hire developers from India. The country is a good source for talented and skilled developers who provide quality work at good rates. However, there are some advantages and disadvantages to this:

Let’s look at the advantages first:

1) Knowledge of the new tools

Most of the developers worth their salt would have knowledge of all the latest tools and trends in mobile app development. They not only know how to use the templates for creating world class apps, but they can also create their own templates, and create apps conforming to their client’s demands.

2) Knowledge of different approaches to create apps

A number of professional approaches can be utilised to create apps. Hiring a developer from India would be a good idea because you can easily get a person who knows these approaches. These would most certainly give you edge over competition. It is important to get expert professionals for the job because if you want to debug the app in the future, it would be easy to work with the codes written by professionals, when compared to those written by an average developer.

3) Always eager to showcase their work

You can trust a developer agency that is ready to showcase their work in whichever platform you prefer to see it in. They are also ready to display that they have met client requirements. This way you will be able to judge their work, and whether they will be able to deliver, and as they advertised.

4) Flexibility to work with other operating systems

Hiring qualified android developers from India would solve one problem for you forever – you enjoy the flexibility of platforms, the developers are competent enough to work on different operating systems. This might be a useful quality when you want the developer to extend your app to the iOS platform in future.

5) You can develop challenging apps

If you are looking to build a rich and challenging app with attractive UI and smooth functionally, it is not something everyone can do. Very skilled people can only do complex processes. You can easily get such developers from the country.

6) Knowledge of Open Source Platform

You may be aware that Android is open source, and because of this feature, the developers get the resilience to design applications that cater to the specific requirements of clients. You have project control, right from the beginning to the end.

7) A plethora of established organisations

It is important to hire your android developer from an established organisation. They are trained to understand business needs, so they can put in their inputs of app design and suggest improvisations that would bring positive results. You can also trust them to come up with innovative approaches that might even set the trend.

You can hire a team of Android developers if you have the following requirements:

  • When you are on a budget, and cannot hire an in-house team
  • If your project needs expertise that’s beyond the capabilities of the current team
  • If your company is looking for specific skills, absent in your current team
  • If you yourself are a developer, is already busy with a project, and is currently looking for developers because of lack of time to dedicate for a new project
  • Startups who are looking for a strong foothold in the market, and want to make a great entry
  • If you are going to start an agency of your own to outsource developers, to increase credibility.

Here the Disadvantages:

1) Quality issues

Issues in quality could be a serious concern. There could be discrepancies in what certain agencies advertise, and what they actually deliver. Hence, it is very important to maintain standards of communication so there won’t be any confusions later on.

2) No direct control

You don’t have direct control over the outcome. The agency would have their own set of rules in dealing with a project, and they might not share that with you.

3) Lack of understanding of business requirements

Not all the companies provide developers who are adept at the business side of the app. They might have their own ideas that could counter with what the client company is looking for. Once again, it becomes imperative that the client company should communicate their needs clearly, so the developer understands their business requirements.

4) Loss of confidentiality

If you plan to come up with a unique product, you need to be sure that the app design and details doesn’t get shared publicly. You will have to sign a NDA, or confidentiality agreement with the company.

To counter the disadvantages that we’ve just stated, you can try the following techniques. They are bound to work:

While hiring an agency, make sure the company has a strong focus and expertise in the said field, mainly mobile app development. Look at the number of apps they’ve developed over the years.

Look at their client base, do they have a vast clientele ranging from US, UK, Canada, etc?

What are their procedures are in working with you as a client?

Do they use state of the art technology and provide customised end-to- end solutions to reach customer goals?

Go through the security procedures that they follow to release safe and sound applications.

Closing thoughts

Hiring Android developers from India would open the doors to a huge talent pool of experts who with their varying range of experience and skill has attained milestones for their clients. You can keep in touch with them through communication tools, and ensure milestones are reached by following the right kind of Agile methodologies.

Interesting Articles:
Advantages of Android app development
The oppotunities for Android experts in India

Picture Source: closari

The author: Reema Oamkumar is engaged as a thought leader at which is a part of the YUHIRO Group. YUHIRO is a German-Indian enterprise which provides programmers to IT companies, agencies and IT departments.

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