Advantages Of Programming In .NET

Advantages Of Programming In .NET

Microsoft .NET programming is one of the most reliable and highly sophisticated programs used in the development of both desktop and web applications. Apart from providing excellent security features, .NET is incorporated with several system management tools as well. These tools include development, testing and organizing software. The development platform of .NET includes server technologies like .Net framework and Visual Studio IDE. Thus, you can rightly say that .NET is the basis on which applications are developed. It acts as a mediator between the operating system and various application programs.

As security is ensured through .NET, you can rest assured that there is safe execution of code. There are set boundaries which will not be crossed by any element of the code. Likewise, there is zero possibility of one program writing into another program. .Net performs various runtime validations which make the environment robust.

The two main components of .NET

Common Language Runtime

Common Language Runtime (CLR)- CLR conforms to Common Language Specification (CLS) and it works as a layer between applications and different operating systems. CLR is also known for providing system services like thread management, garbage collection, exception handling, code safety verifications and memory management. Common Language Runtime is also known for its management environment because it controls the operating systems when programs are executed.

.NET has excellent memory management capabilities as well, which means, it can provide the block and then later releases when the program is finished with the block. Programs undergo definite transformations when they are coded. They get converted to MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language), which later gets converted into native code using JIT (Just-in Time Compiler). This native code is run by CLR. The choice of language is purely personal preference because ultimately they would all be converted to MSIL.

.NET Class Library

.NET Class Library is a library in itself with classes, interfaces and value types designed to provide access to various levels of system functionality. .NET Framework applications, controls and components are built on the foundation of the .Net class library. It is also responsible for a variety of applications like :

  • Console applications
  • Windows GUI applications
  • ASP.NET applications – web applications
  • XML Web services
  • Windows services

The class library is integrated with a rich set of interfaces, sets of abstract and non-abstract classes. Programmers can use concrete classes or derive their own set of classes. The .Net Framework class library is set into a hierarchical tree structure and logically grouped in a certain type so they can be identified easily. They are thus divided into Namespaces for easy identification, are object oriented and can be used in program developments with great ease. Namespaces are the roots of the different types in the .NET Framework.

Key benefits of .NET programming:

.NET platform was designed by Microsoft to aid with the programming of internet based applications. There are several limitations with COM and DCOM, and .NET aims to address those issues. .NET is the perfect choice for individuals, developers and organizations. Have a look at the two core benefits of .NET:

1. Ideal for side-by-side execution of the code

As .NET supports side-by-side code execution, it is perfect for resolving versioning problems. This prevents the earlier problem of overwriting a shared component because it allows for several versions of a component to get itself installed or run on a single computer at the same time. As developers can use various versions of a single component, there is no need to maintain backward compatibility.

The second advantage of this feature is that developers can choose the version between various software components. Application integrity is maintained as the dependencies, which are also stored within the components can be specified as well. Depending on the application, the developer can call for various versions of the component; this information will then be stored within the memory and can be called upon when the time demands. In case there is a problem with loading the components or if missing dependencies are noted, then .NET is programmed to generate corresponding errors.

2. The components are located in a decentralized registry

A number of problems can occur when there is decentralized registration of components in the registry. However, .NET does not use the registry at all. Instead information about various components can be stored within the files and can be used at runtime. Information about the component and their location are scanned and then cached for use in the future. As the components are in the decentralized registry, there is no need to worry about applications clashing with each other.

3. Individuals love it

Individual users can enjoy an integrated, mobile computing experience with .NET. Thus it is possible to integrate the data from various computing hardware like smartphones, PCs, laptops and similar devices. Further, as .NET does not depend on the registry, it is easy for the users to simply copy the files on to the computer from any location, remote or otherwise.

4. Ideal for developers

Developers love .NET programming because they can design web services quickly and in a cost-effective manner. They can also deliver scalable solutions that can be accessed across various computing platforms.


.NET programming is thus a very popular and versatile programming framework that supports a variety of programming languages. With the advent of .NET programming, no more unnecessary codes are used, which makes it easier for the developer. Innovative web development is another advantage of working with .NET, which means file reading and graphic renderings are easily possible.

Interesting Links:
Overview of the advantages
Features and advantages of .NET on Slideshare

Pictures: Regan

The author: Reema Oamkumar is engaged as a thought leader at which is a part of the YUHIRO Group. YUHIRO is a German-Indian enterprise which provides programmers to IT companies, agencies and IT departments.

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